When the sun goes down solar stops generating power, yet the wind keeps blowing. Our remarkable renewable story ANEW Energy.
Three weeks before 911 we did a stock swap with (BRKS:NASDAQ) for my semiconductor biz called MicroTool. A few days after 911, Wallstreet told me I had to cut my workforce by 60%. Being the high-paid guy I volunteered to take the hit.
Those were trying times for all. We lost my cousin in The Twin Towers. In the Spring of 2002 I came out of my funk and read a long paper called the Hydrogen Posturing Plan. George Bush asked the DOE to guide him on how to exit the Middle East.
I got into on-demand hydrogen. After 7 years of experiments, plenty of tears, and a small fortune, I hung up green energy. Little did I know that shelving the idea was a good thing. We conducted a focus group and realized that the world hydrogen was not well received. So we pivoted into Wind Energy. Another 13 years later and we have a small wind turbine with a big punch. I present to you ANEW Energy https://www.anewenergy.co/
At ANEW we listened to the market. The USFS wants low noise, wildlife-friendly, and of course, they must be colored Forest Service Green. Take a look at our Kickstarter. This solution can plug into any solar array, adapt to the voltage and pick up when solar power stops generating electricity. Here is our Kickstarter for our very special wind turbine. https://bit.ly/3PFz45m
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